
Review of the Warren Buffett Archive

Buffett Archive

Review of the Warren Buffett Archive

The Warren Buffett Archive features the years of legendary investor and billionaire investor, whose net worth is measured in terms of his personal wealth alone. With the passing of time, the memories and lessons learned from the time are being collected and made available for the public. A great number of books have already been written about the legendary investor, and a lot of them address the same themes – how to make a fortune in the stock market, how to pick stocks, and how to manage an investment portfolio. But the real value of these books, and the Warren Buffett Archive in particular, is that they allow us to see what it was like to be an investor and billionaire Warren Buffet at his most vulnerable point, just before he reached his rags-to-riches status. Through the archive, we get to hear him speak about the perils of investing, and how the “sexy business” of trading stocks took him by surprise.

The Warren Buffett Archive features articles written by noted analysts who have followed the stock market throughout its history. The site also includes a user-friendly features such as an interactive timeline, a portfolio tracker, and a stock chart browser. The timeline serves as a tool for investors and casual traders alike to view events occurring in the company’s past. The portfolio tracker allows you to track the performance of each stock listed in your portfolio, and the stock chart browser allows you to compare the performance of the stocks listed on a given day with the performance of the overall portfolio.

The archive even includes an audio track by Mr. Buffet, highlights of the interview style known as “the Warren Buffett Way.” This highlights the key lessons and philosophies that the legendary investor has been teaching since he first made his foray into the world of stocks and investment. The site also provides a glossary of terms and a dictionary that may be of help for those unfamiliar with the investing terminology and concepts. Additional resources for clients and potential clients include the Investor’s Toolbox, which contains a list of investment strategy tools, investment calculators, risk assessment calculators, as well as educational links for news and information. Finally, the site offers a forum where clients may post questions and receive answers from other members who are equally as passionate about the investments they promote and sell.