
Earnings Reports

Earnings are the underlying result of a company’s performance. The earnings is the income on which corporate taxation is based. Many more technical terms are generally used in the accounting including EBIT and EBITDA for an in-depth analysis of certain aspects of company operations. A company must first calculate the Earnings Before Interest and Tax Debt using appropriate techniques to deduct interest and capital gains from Earnings before applying it to the payment of taxes. The method of calculating the Earnings Before Interest and Tax Debt is known as the book & take (abbreviated as BT) method.


The financial statements of a company to provide information to both the shareholders and other investors about the nature, performance and status of the company. It helps the company to make decisions concerning the future of the business, taking into consideration its capital structure. The financial statements must be prepared in such a way that they can be understood by investors and other customers. In order to prepare the earnings reports, various accounting practices have to be observed and implemented by the company in order to ensure that it provides the correct information to the external parties and that the reporting standards of the United States are met.

Earnings surprises, stock price surprises, and overall performance surprises may affect the trading decision of the investors and/or rating agencies. It is important to remember that no matter what the Earnings surprises are, it is essential to keep them under control, as they can have a direct effect on the trading decision of the traders and rating agencies. Some of the accounting practices commonly used by companies include: the gross and net income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows, statement of comprehensive income, and statement of cash management. These accounting practices may be difficult for a new trader to understand, and hence analysts are usually available for their clients to understand them.