
The Blue Book of Investments – Learn from Mr. Buffet

Content in the Warren Buffett Archive includes: a personal chronology of Buffett’s life, organized by year, focusing on key events; a reading list of key moments and quotes focusing on leadership, negotiating, humor and humility; an essay analyzing some of the greatest investments made by Buffett, which was published in the Omaha Daily News in Buffett’s native Nebraska; and a photo essay comparing the present world to that of Buffett when he was a child. Other content includes: essays discussing the art of negotiation, business management and stock market performance, immigration and education, foreign exchange markets, charities and investing. The archive also includes the following books and the authorizes for their publication: Man vs. System: The Education of a Bankrupt Investor, Wall Street: The Education of a Wealthy Investor, Buffett: The Smartest Man Who Ever lived, Sleeping with the One You Love, and Beware! Richistan: The Inside Story of the World’s Richest Families.

Buffett Archive

Accessing the content on the website is simple and convenient, allowing any individual or organization to request and make use of any item listed in the Warren Buffet Archive. This archive allows users to search the archive by category; years of publishing; and key words or phrases. A search function allows users to refine their results by the use of a letter or phrase combinations. Furthermore, it allows users to download any content not currently available online, making the legendary investor’s Annual Meetings, speeches, interviews and correspondence accessible to the general public.

Additional information on the website includes video clips, a calendar of events, a glossary of commonly used terms, a glossary of corporate jargon and a frequently asked questions page. The site also includes a few bonus items such as free coaching and stock quotes sites; an Employee of the Month; and the Employee of the Week. Additional bonus items include a few minutes of audio commentary from famed entrepreneurs, an animated biography of Buffett by his daughter, an article on The Letters of Warren Buffett, and a list of all current and future annual meetings. The official site of The Blue Books – a publication synonymous with blue chip stocks – allows users to access a section featuring profiles of the company’s most renowned leaders, and a list of stock quotes at expiration.